Tenants: Request a Repair Service
Need something fixing?
For all urgent repairs, please call us immediately on 0845 838 2890. Urgent repairs include loss of heatng and/or hot water, flood, fire and major structural damage.
For all none urgent repairs, please send an email to repairs@thelettingco.com. Non urgent repairs include appliance repairs, cosmetic work and gardening issues.
Make sure you include your:
- Name
- Address
- Contact number (preferably mobile so we can text if you are unobtainable)
- A brief description of the problem.
No access to email?
No problem. Call us on 0845 838 2890
Out of hour's emergency?
Call us on 07960 612089 and you will be connected to our Office Manager, Louise Rock. If the line isn't answered, leave a message and we will come straight back to you.
We consider an emergency to be total loss of power, complete loss of heating and/or hot water, major water regression or major structural damage to the property. Any calls not relating to these will be dealt with in normal working hours.
Please use your discretion when calling the emergency repair line, as you may be liable for unnecessary call-out charges.
We will ensure your problem is dealt with efficiently and quickly.