Earn £200 per property referred
We pay a commission to anyone who refers new landlords to us. Do you know a landlord? Take a look below to see how you can earn money for a few minutes work.
Is the £200 commission per property or per landlord?
The referral fee is paid to you at £200 per property... and it’s unlimited. You can earn as much as you want. For example, if you know a landlord who has ten properties, you can earn £2000.
What does the landlord get from this?
The landlord benefits too, as they will get 6 months management completely free of charge – no gimmicks, and no catches. We will even pay their current agents’ cancellation fees*
*if applicable; capped at £200 per property, 24 month contract applies.
How do I find new landlords?
Your referred landlord could be a friend, a family member, a colleague or someone else you know. You'd be amazed how many people own a rental/investment property, and so it's worth asking as many people as you can.
Sometimes, it can be someone you don't know. We can send you leaflets regarding the offer to put out at your place of work with your own dedicated reference number, linking the referral back to you. Please call us on 0845 838 2890 to request copies of these.
Do I have to convince the landlord to use The Letting Company?
No, we do all the hard work for you. All you need to do is either have the landlord call us, or pass us their details using the form on the right and we'll call them. We'll have a no obligation chat with them about their rental property and once they sign up, we pay you the £200 per property referral fee.
Does the landlord know about the referral fee?
The referral service is completely confidential. If you don't want the landlord to know where we get their details from, we won't disclose this and we never tell them you're being paid a referral fee.
When, and how, do I get paid?
We pay you the second your referred landlord signs up to our management service. As soon as they're on board, we transfer the funds to your nominated bank account. Please note, this is strictly by bank transfer and we do not offer a cash referral payment under any circumstance.
So what are you waiting for? Ask your friend and family, colleagues or anyone else you know. Just have them call us on 0845 838 2890 or alternatively email their details to us, and we do the rest.
Remember: for every successful property referral, we pay you £200.